So a little about me...

I'm Jeff and I'm from Western Canada...the good part, Northern BC and Alberta. I'm just normal oilfield trash that got interested in blogging. Can't say I am the most prolific or timely, but if I have something to say I usually will...So anyway this is just a look through my eyes once in a while...I don't claim to be right, but I'll never be left.

Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner

"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,

Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"

~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The holidays

To my legion of fans (truthishly, I don't even know if a single person has read any of this blog) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!)

Been off work for a bit, it always seems to slow down right before Christmas.

Going to spend it with family, but I don't know yet if I will go right up to Ft Nelson to see my sister and her family, Its a long icy drive and I just don't know if I am up for it.

Got an appointment on the 28th to get a new permanent mount phone in the pick-up. Going to be good and I am excited to just get it done. For the last few years I have been running with a boosted cradle mount for my MIKE handheld first it was good, but lately I really don't use it for what was intended. Push to talk was a hassel and eveyone I knew that had it has been reverting back to the tried and true cell technology. The speakerphone option never really worked well and now not at all....a trip to Saskatchewan a few years back taught me a hard lesson (doesn't work at all there) anyway I will be going with the Motorola M800 and the damage will be around $1200.

Well its the 23rd of Dec as I write this, sad anniversary for me.....past is the past, but if you are reading this just remember that it was you that made the choice..

Not that you would be reading this, you don't know any of the words or names to google that would let you find me could have had everything, and I would have given it.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Freezing in Sikkani

Well I finished up the consulting work in AB for awhile, came back to Northern BC and did a job with a Sno-cat to freeze in an access road.

First day outI got about 3 hours into it and then the pump blew, or at least thats what I think happened, the machine is still dead on the line waiting for the mechanics to get up there and figure things out.

Next day (Saturday) they had another one hauled up and I got back to work. The work entails clearing the accumulated snow from the trail so it will freeze up and be strong enough to hold up to heavy traffic. The oil company wants to get in there and complete the well to see what they have.

The Alaska Highway up to Mile 153 was especially bad and even though it was only 200kms back to town I elected to stay at the Buckinghorse Industrial Camp. And what a camp it was....I haven't stayed in a camp in over 15 years, boy have they changed. Single occupancy rooms with satellite TV, rec room with pool table and other goodies, and the kitchen was almost like eating at a buffet in town. Great assortment set out for bag lunches in the morning....all in all pretty good.....

did a video of the work...hope you enjoy.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Scout and Surveyors

Whew! What the heck? I guess I haven't posted in awhile

So I have been out and about, I am back in Alberta working with a crew of surveyors getting another site ready for eventual construction....just need to see the L/O (landowner) and I should be able to book it back to BC.

I talked to the foreman I worked for this summer on the phone last night and put my name back in the hat for an operating job as this work I am currently on will not start for another month or so.

The weather hasn't been the greatest and I am actually glad that I got held over another day...lots of freezing rain the night before last and the roads got a bit dicey.

Regarding the work right now: I had the opprtunity to view it without the surveyors and just get on my merry way, thank god I didn`t. Turns out there is a major elevation change across the new site, like +20m and that woulld have been a very big red flag to the ERCB....slow the application and possible denial of well license.....we had to shift the well center and get the boundaries up on to better ground....hell if I had it my way the bigger the cut and fill the better, but thats the way it is in this environmental age.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Travel Daze!?

So I made it back to Ft St John and my own bed late last night and let me tell you the travel is getting to me.

I sometimes surprise myself with my ability at road ragery. Is it too much to ask that some either go with the flow of traffic of get off the road and let the rest get to where they need to go without following you and your slow farmer ass? I logged into my facebook page and one friends' status was aptly put: "Traffic, how bout Traffuck"

Getting back to the days events. After leaving the hotel in Edson I took a route to get me into the general area of the site my boss wanted me to look at. (At some future date I may want to actually look at the map or get the proper coords before leaving town.....thats all I have to say about that.) Got the Edson sites viewed, sent some pics via wireless email and I was off to the next site near Grande Cache. Oh yeah... I got a call from the Conductor bowl outfit, wondering why I didn't drop the bowl off in Brooks...told him Brooks was three hours out of my way and I really didn't feel like making this a twenty hour trip. Turns out they have a drop off point in Hinton and I will be passing right through so problem solved. The next job at Grand Cache was about the same as Edson...Go look, communicate, leave.....but I may get some work cleaning these two site s up next sping, however there was the added excitement of having my pickup toboggan down a hill semi out of control in the snow, which then left me at the bottom wondering if even 4x4 would get me back up to the highway and relative safety. ( I made it back up, not as bad as I thought and I found one set of new tire chains where someone drove away without picking them up, see that hill was a bad one!)

Got back home around 6:00pm

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Travel days

For me travel usually means work, and while I get paid to travel (right now the rate is a $1.10 per Km), that travel means crisscrossing Alberta in a rather hectic fashion.

This morning I left Pincher Creek at 9:00am (a little late I know) and took Hwy 22 north. After several stops to talk with friends and drop paperwork for another job with a contractor. I arrived in Edson at 4:30 PM. Supposed to view a new jobsite, but that late start got the better of me and I lost the available light to properly view the job. The oil company wants to see if a new site could be placed next to an existing well. Kinda hard to do when the sun goes down. Thats just the way things went, I didn't even get to drop a conductor bowl off that has been rolling around in the bed of my pickup for a couple of days now. I was looking forward to getting home and getting some time off, but here I am in my motel room (Comfort Inns at Edson, great room and reasonably cheap BTW). I was hoping to get by without having to get yet another room but what can you do? I wanted a shower and all the other amenities, I can sleep pretty well in the Ford if I have to, but why bother, I don't want to crap in the woods if he don't have to.

The picture is from when the Waterton Job at Lookout Butte was ratholed, that where I come from and if you have seen Edson country you will know why I picked this pic instead.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It has to start somewhere....

I have recently become interested in blogging and this will be the inaugural post. I don't expect a lot from this and maybe that's the best way to approach things for awhile. I think it will be a public diary sort of thing. I hope to post my youtube films and maybe some pictures of life and family.

A few quick notes: I have linked to a few blogs that I respect and find interesting, go check them out if you have time.

Sometimes my penchant for pissed offidness gets the gears turning in my brain and I write letters to those in the media and public life that I think could learn a thing or be warned, when I get time I will be posting those as well. You the reader may notice that I abhor following the pack and most forms of political correctness. If you want to debate by all means have at me. Well that's it for this "first" post. Cheers and be well.....