Just about done for break-up. What does that mean? (some might not know, I am getting a few readers from other parts of the world) Well break-up happens in the spring after a long frozen winter. The ground is thawing out, its wet and muddy, the oil industry has some very heavy loads to move from site to site. The thing is that if we are not lucky enough to move those heavy loads before the road-ban weight rules come into effect, right around the 1st of April, then the drilling stops and everyone goes home for a few weeks (sometimes a couple of months, until the country dries out and and the road-bans come off). Roads get destroyed by heavy loads during freeze thaw cycles...just look at the spring pothole crop in any northern city, or the twin ruts in the slow lane of Hwy #2 between Edmonton and Calgary.
I am due for a break and I am looking forward to it. Same old story: I have had 5 days off since Christmas. It has been an interesting time. I am getting a ton of debt off my shoulders and I am still buying physical silver. This is good and I am happy. I have one phone call to make and I am so looking forward to it. American Express is going to get my version of a F**K YOU, take your card and shove it, I AM CANCELLING! They are paid off as of a week ago. I also paid off a Credit Union Mastercard, but they won't get a nasty call, they have always been good to me. They were the first card I ever got and it helped build my credit rating when I was starting out. I am cancelling that one too though. Don't need it. A word to the wise from someone who was stupid: Stay away from money you don't own, being in perpetual debt is not fun, it limits options you have for personal freedom and the choices you can make.
So I am hoping to be done soon, my oldest best friend is losing his mom to cancer and I want to see him. maybe if things work out I can drive him back home