I don't want to say it...I really don't, but I am getting burnt out again. That's a hard thing to admit. This is the busiest I have ever been in my life...I want normal, I want PG. Too much work and this life isn't so much fun. But you know another thought keeps entering my mind: "Everything in life happens for a reason" I truly believe that, I may not know at the time what's good for me, I may think the worst is still to come, but the clouds soon part, the sun shines, living is good and it all turns out alright....and for that I must thank "The *uc*head". Yeah its convoluted and warped, only a select few will know who I refer to, most will say huh?!? But all the same, if it wasn't for "The F**khead, I would not be where I am now, maybe I'll write about him someday...Cheers everybody, you too FH...