Still in the Royal Alex...but there is a chance I will be discharged before the weekend or on the Monday after. They want to send me out with a $40,000 wound vac and seem unsure about my reliability. They seem to think that I am indigent and homeless because I live in my RV close to wherever the work is in the summer, even had me chat with a social worker... All the while I am thinking "WHAT THE FUCK!?" How do you tell someone " a good year I can make more than any Dr. at your Hospital" but I don't do that because that would be uncouth. Sometimes I feel like screaming, these people, Dr's and nurses all, still have absolutely no clue who is paying the bills in this province. Like it or not its us in the oil industry that make the money and keep the economy going... I had a conversation with a male nurse this afternoon, good enough guy but had no clue about the problems in this province...a news story on TV about whether or not Alberta should have a PST prompted the response "Well they should get all the royalties they can and THEN bring in a PST" I didn't respond, but I was flabbergasted....he has no idea how much money left this province for good the last time they tried that, and then to make Alberta even more uncompetitive by bringing in a PST? Wow!
On a completely unrelated note: One good thing to come from the Hospital stay is that this is my 14th day free from smoking. So yah for me.
So a little about me...
I'm Jeff and I'm from Western Canada...the good part, Northern BC and Alberta. I'm just normal oilfield trash that got interested in blogging. Can't say I am the most prolific or timely, but if I have something to say I usually will...So anyway this is just a look through my eyes once in a while...I don't claim to be right, but I'll never be left.
Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner
"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,
Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"
~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:
Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner
"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,
Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"
~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:
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