So a little about me...

I'm Jeff and I'm from Western Canada...the good part, Northern BC and Alberta. I'm just normal oilfield trash that got interested in blogging. Can't say I am the most prolific or timely, but if I have something to say I usually will...So anyway this is just a look through my eyes once in a while...I don't claim to be right, but I'll never be left.

Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner

"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,

Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"

~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hard Asset in Hand...

and what you see in my dirty hand is a 1oz, "4 nines" pure, Canadian Silver Maple bullion coin.

Well they came in finally after a 2 week wait. I bought from a great dealer called Gatewest Coin located in Winnipeg. If I were to eliminate the dealer mark-up and just told you the spot price for silver, I would say that this one coin alone has accrued nearly $2.50 since purchase.  It is very exciting for me. I feel like I am finally doing something for my future. If you were to read back in the blog you might see some vague hints at some terrible life decisions. I have some catching up to do, the next couple of years is very critical.

I am not going to harp on an on or try to prosthletize, but I encourage everyone to look around the world we live in and be cognizant of the financial danger that looms in the very near future. Look at the state of the world economy, get educated. Do you understand what "Quantitative Easing" refers too? It is basically the USA printing money out of thin air, backed by nothing and pumping it into the system to pay for their bills. It is phony and economic suicide.

 Did you know that during the Great Depression, President Roosevelt made it illegal for citizens to hold gold? He bought it all for $20 oz and later sold it for $34 to fund the government. Don't think it will happen again? Right now if you look on the Gatewest website you will find that they are required to report the social security number of any American that buys more than $2000 in precious metals to the Department Of Homeland Security...legislation is just one too many crisis' away.

 Debt and deficit is the killer of empires, since my last post on the subject US debt has risen to 16 TRILLION dollars. The deficit (Interest servicing costs of the debt) will be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 3- 4 trillion dollars this year. Do you think that Japan, who is one of the largest buyers of US debt ( Treasury Bills and Federal Reserve Notes), will be in the mood to fork over that money now when they have massive rebuilding to do in the wake of the latest earthquake and tsunami? The European Union is dealing with default and bail-outs for Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain... The Middle East now has multiple hotspots of strife and revolution, what do you think that will do to the price of oil? How will any economic recovery happen when oil is $150-200 a barrel? Remember the last time it hit $140...yeah, that was 2007-2008, the economy shut down. Foodstuffs and basic commodities are starting the inexorable march towards rampant inflation. When the US dollar loses value, as it is doing right now, those dollars buy less and less.

I am buying silver and gold, I am buying it now and into the is real money, not some paper promise

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The election results are in...

So there is a Canadian election in the offing. I used to be proud to vote, but I think as I get older the apathy sets in and I find it pointless. The Conservative option for me was the only choice, if only to cancel out just one whacked out Liberal/Socialist/Traitor block vote. I have no options now that the Federal Conservative Party has watered itself down to appeal to the Toronto-Montreal corridor vote. There is no Libertarian/Liasse Faire choice for me to make. You know...the kind of option that rewards hard work, keeps the government bureaucracy out of my pocket and lets me decide whether or not to support the useless, lazy and stupid in our society. Why should it be my responsibility to support your version of social activist agenda? I probably agree with very little that you, my hypothetical liberal-enviro-nazi-cradle-to-grave-hypocritical-diaper-wearing-parasite, reader believe in. (That is... if you are indeed one of those types)

Maybe I should keep my thoughts to myself, who knows what kind of laws could be enacted if an Iggy/Taliban Jack/Traitor coallition were to get in and run Parliment Hill. I will say that if that were to happen, I will be one of those calling for a free and separate Alberta...does that make me a traitor? I actually admire the Separatist faction in Quebec, the principle that is. I do, however, despise what it has turned into: A constant irritant in the side of Canada that uses its' position and threats to extort more and more from the rest of the country. Its big business now, they can't afford to separate, they are a joke yet the feds still kow-tow to them. And thats the difference....a separate Alberta can afford to go out on its own, it doesn't suck the Ottawa teat in the hope that transfer payments will be increased. Alberta IS the transfer payment.

I am too young to be outraged by what the Liberals under Trudeau did to the west, but I know what the result was. The NEP and the generational effect it had on those of us who grew up during that time. Old wounds are not forgotten, sometimes they fester just under the surface. I came of age in the 90's, it was Cretien then. The little thug who turned out to be probably the biggest lying despot this country has ever produced. I won't forget that brand of Liberalism...GST lie, 2 billion dollar Gun Registry , Adscam. HRT debacle, Public Works/Alphonse Degalliano, Shawinigate and the Grand Mere Golf Course Swindle that lined Cretien's slimy pockets...

Now Iggy and Taliban Jack want to "fix" whats wrong with Canada...Duceppe just wants money...that shrill enviro-nazi Elisabeth May (whose eyes loll around in her head like a cow going to slaughter) just wants a chance to shut down the economy for the good of everyone concerned...and Harper, well Harper just wants votes in Ontairio, fuck the rest of us and what he originally stood for.......Like I said...I have no choices now, the result has already been decided.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What if...

    I Have been thinking about something quite a bit lately. What do we do to ensure our security? Does a person rely on society behaving properly, do we trust our governments to make the right decisions?

    I read a friends observation posted to Facebook the other day. The jist of it was "1/3 receive government benefits, 1/3 work for the government, and 1/3 of us actually work and pay taxes to the government". That disturbed me because its true. The question I have is how long does it go on before that house of cards collapses? The US has a 14 trillion dollar debt, see it for yourself, just search for

Nobody really mentions that very much. Everyone is concerned about the deficit, the interest paid to service the debt. You know if I miss bill payments or renege on my obligations I am bankrupt. What happens to a country that goes bankrupt? Who holds the US debt? There are conspiracy theorists that claim central bankers and shadowy families hold it...I have a hard time believing that. There is, however, evidence that China and other growing economies hold a very large portion of it. What happens when they get tired of the "west" living high on the hog at their expense? They call the loan, shut off the tap, whatever you want to call it, it will be bad. Oh so you say: "That is not us, we are not the USA" If the elephantine neighbour to the south collapses on our mouse of a is US.

    Well I have rambled on long enough, I don't want this to be some sort of economic diatribe on my part that shows how little I understand...The answer for me though is Hard Currency, something with value, that is mine, that irresponsible governments can't legislate or tax away when it suits them. I will hold it and it will have value.

    Time to get on with the plan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Wow...

...what a machine, I love it! The new quad is scary fast, 70mph and will catwalk with very little weight transfer. I have had other "utility" ATV's, but nothing like this one. I don't want to do anything too crazy before I get to know it better. This is one machine that I don't feel comfortable riding if I don't have a helmet on.

The last quad I owned was a 1998 Honda 450 Foreman that I sold to a friend 2 years ago. It was a great work quad and Honda is known for making dependable machines, but that one doesn't come close to this new one. I really can't believe the power and suspension travel, its like riding on a cloud and the front wheels are off the ground more often than not. I haven't even had an excuse to lock in the 4x4.

So I shot a little video on my GoPro Hero helmet cam...finally figuring that out too.