So a little about me...

I'm Jeff and I'm from Western Canada...the good part, Northern BC and Alberta. I'm just normal oilfield trash that got interested in blogging. Can't say I am the most prolific or timely, but if I have something to say I usually will...So anyway this is just a look through my eyes once in a while...I don't claim to be right, but I'll never be left.

Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner

"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,

Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"

~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Boo F**k*n Hoo

I got another comment from a hippy on youtube today. Another know-it-all brain washed piece of .... Said he was unsubbing, called me ignorant, said I should show some respect for "Mother Earth" Oh yes the mantra of the unwashed... Used as if it is a holy phrase, used like a curse on those they feel do not show as much feeling and concern for the planet as "they" do.

I have a problem with that type of thinking. I have a problem with the environmental movement and the creeping way it has of becoming mainstream thinking. It's because I have some pride and a little bit of self respect. I am not a hypocrite  I live in a western society and realize that there is the real world and there is the fantasy guilt ridden enviro-hippy world. That fantasy world isn't just populated by the stereo-typical dirty acid baked loser anymore. With the advent of massive culture swindlers like Al Gore and David Suzuki that profit from the environmental guilt of others, it seems that anyone can now be a hypocritical enviro-hippy. 

These are the people that tell you to recycle but fail to mention the energy put in is more than the energy saved. These are the Prius owners smug in their sh*t-boxes that fail to realize the damage done to exploit rare earth minerals found in the battery, and fail to mention the toxic mess left behind when the battery is worn out. I have a problem turning my lights off for an hour every year like it somehow helps to raise awareness of the electrical toll our western society puts on our "environment". Yes like that makes a difference especially when the diligent modern enviros then turn the lights back on and microwave their hot pockets for a late night snack. Padding back to the bedroom on heated floors to sleep until they awake the next day to visit Wallmart way out in the suburbs, save a few bucks buying Chinese merchandise, never giving a second thought to the rampant slave labour, over population and environmental destruction that is occurring at an exponential rate overseas.

I have to laugh whenever I am criticized by the holier than thou environmentalists. I laugh because these keyboard commandos comment back to me using a keyboard ...get it? It is made of plastic, where does plastic come from dumbass? PETRO-CHEMICALS. There is simply no argument that can win once that fact is realized. Should not the church of Mother Earth forsake all modern convenience? If they do I will never hear from them...and viola the hippy dilemma is solved and the point is moot. 

No I'm not a hypocrite, not a hippy. Just someone that realizes all too well how the real world operates and tries to make a living like everyone else no matter how high the bullsh*t is stacked in front of me

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back on track...

VE Brandl 772GP JD Grader at the Sunrise job
Been awhile since I posted anything to my blog, I do believe I missed the entire month of August. Things going along the same for the most part. Had a run in with a new love...grader love, as in a brand new 772GP John Deere that I was allowed to run for 5 days when my old contractor friends in BC won the latest location bid that I had to construct up there. "Up there", what does that even mean? Means I'm working in Central Alberta for the most part with the odd trip back "Home", only this time it was for a job that I was supervising for Junior oil company. Loved that grader so much that I wanted to stay, take a cut in pay go operate to be around family for once in the last 15 years. I joked with my bosses a few years ago that if they bought a G model John Deere grader I would quit what I was doing and come back as long as I was the only one to sit in the seat. The joke almost became a reality, but I have no reason to go yet. I'm not pissed off, jobs are going relatively well for Junior Oil Company and I still want the consulting money. So nice to have choices in this job environment, not everyone has that.

Mystery character?
I had my brother start on some character work for the idea I mentioned in the last blog and this is the very early beginnings of what we have planned. The little guys name and occupation have yet to be revealed. Some may have guessed, but I'm still letting the premise percolate for a time before I reveal everything. Its a good start.