So a little about me...

I'm Jeff and I'm from Western Canada...the good part, Northern BC and Alberta. I'm just normal oilfield trash that got interested in blogging. Can't say I am the most prolific or timely, but if I have something to say I usually will...So anyway this is just a look through my eyes once in a while...I don't claim to be right, but I'll never be left.

Visit my you tube channel under username: CDNcatskinner

"Everyones' gotta be something
Me I'm stupid,
It's all I ever wanted to be,

Shock me again and I'll say,
Anything you want me to"

~Matthew Good Band, from the song Rico
Reach me by email:

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

New Year, new thoughts...

Well its January 4th 2012. I went to get a new journal from Staples, they were sold out of the one I want. I like hardcover, every page a day, blah blah...I have been keeping a daily journal for work since 1998, that's when I started consulting. Comes in handy and it's a good thing for ass covering. I forget the times, but more than once I have had to refer back in time to prove I did or didn't do something and the reasons I had for doing it.

I looked back through this blog as well. I see a lot of thinly veiled optimism, and some out-right desperation, but I'm happy to say that my biggest goal in 2011 has unbelievably been achieved...yay for me! I have paid off my unsecured debt, mainly the credit cards I had accumulated over the years. This is such a cliche'd weight that has been lifted from my shoulders, you can't imagine how good that feels. I do and I don't know how I got into that situation in the first place. And yes I did make that call to American Express, and yes I did tell them they could shove their card up their collective corporate ass...when I could get a word in edge-wise that was, as they tried to sell me on the benefits of a "different card". How good it feels to be wearing the shoe on the other foot. Hey Amex, wasn't it just a year or two ago that you were calling me when my payment was 3 days late? Ya that was you I remember well. For the information of everyone and no-one, because it is nobodies business but mine, I was never "30 days late" on anything. I was smart enough to keep those black marks off my score.

2011 was good year. I met a new person back in April, you will know her as "PG". She is great, her family is great. I worked hard, or as hard as a consultant does work :-) PG says she is proud of me, I like that. It has been hard finding somebody outside of the oilfield that can understand the hours, days and months apart from loved ones, but she does.

As 2011 ends and a whole new 2012 begins I can finally say that I have options. I have the option to tell anyone that pisses me off to F O...I'm not beholden to very many anymore. My job I can take or leave, when it comes down to the core I am a catskinner at more than ever and I have a valuable skillset that I can fall back on. But I will take the easy money while it's easy. Some people let this job go to their heads, start thinking they are more important than they are. I never got that way and I am thankful for that....Gawd I wish the F***head was reading this, but then he would need a reading comprehension level above that of a 4 year old... hehe! Hey F*ck*ead what you did to me was the best thing that could have happened, after all I would not be where I am or met who I have met without your skull-f*ck*ry....But that's enough on FH like so many other useless and inconsequential people he is part of the past. May you reap what you have sown FH.

So whats up for 2012? I am thinking maybe a house and somewhere to hang my hat (if I wore one)...just don't know if it will be a hat hook in BC or Alberta...PG and I have lots of talking to do.

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